"Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp exists to provide an oasis for people of all ages where the Pentecostal distinctives are communicated and experienced."
Camp meetings have for many years played a significant role in the Spiritual development of our fellowship.
In 1936, the Assemblies, which now comprise the Eastern Ontario District purchased an ideal piece of property on the shores of Lake Ontario, 2 km’s east of the town of Cobourg. The property had been used as a racehorse farm and training track and the buildings included a stable and Jockey’s quarters together. The property was ideally suited for development as a Camp meeting location.
The stable was used for many years as the main Camp Tabernacle until the erection of the present larger Tabernacle to the west in 1949. The old Track-Side Terrace fell to the wrecker’s hammer many years ago and was followed in 1975 by Beulah Terrace which had been the original Jockey’s quarters. Both of these buildings had served the Camp well but had outlived their usefulness.
Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp is a haven for our Pentecostal people particularly during the summer months. Occupancy on the campgrounds is from May until October and our facilities provide excellent opportunities for spring and fall retreats.
Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp is administered by a Camp Director and a Camp Committee who operate under the authority of the District Executive and District Conference of Eastern Ontario.
It is imperative that the original aims and objectives of Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp be preserved and maintained. The focal point of the entire Camp operation is the Tabernacle and its activities. What takes place in this structure is the heart and core of our entire Camp operation. Through the years, sound Bible teaching and Evangelistic preaching have resulted in multitudes of people being converted, Baptized in the Holy Spirit and motivated to greater activity in Christian service; many of whom were called into the full-time Christian ministry.
Every summer many hundreds of people have driven onto the grounds to participate in the services, both on weekends and throughout the week. The first step in providing resident accommodation was in the dormitories and cabins which were provided so that our people could enjoy an extended period of time at the Camp.
Subsequently, the decision was made by the Camp Committee to permit the erection of privately owned cottages. In order for the Camp Administration to always be able to control the Camp property, the policy was established to lease a plot of land to individuals wishing to erect their own cottages. The amount of land leased is the exact size of the cottage and the Camp Administration is responsible for the maintenance and development of the entire Camp property. While many cottagers have voluntarily assisted in this maintenance by cutting the grass in the areas surrounding their own cottage, still the Camp is responsible for the entire grounds. This is the reason why cottagers must secure permission from the Camp Committee before planting trees, shrubs, flower beds, or erecting any permanent installation.
Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp must always remain a “Pentecostal Camp” and must not be allowed to deteriorate into merely a summer resort. The Camp Administration, under the authority of the District Conference, is committed to the continuance of this policy. It was for this reason that the decision was made to lease land rather than to sell plots of land for the erection of private cottages. All leases are renewable annually. This is done automatically unless the lessee requests that the lease be terminated or the Camp Administration regards it as being necessary.
In order to further protect the interests of our Pentecostal people who have invested in the Camp, the terms of the lease require the lessee to inform the Camp Administration in advance of the intended sale of the cottage and give the Camp the first opportunity to purchase the cottage before making application for a Transfer of Lease. Should the Camp decline the opportunity to purchase, the proposed purchaser and lessee must complete detailed application forms, furnish references, and be approved by the Camp Committee before the sale can be closed. A cottage owner may sell, transfer or bequeath his/her cottage only to an individual who meets with the approval of the Camp Committee. The policy has been to limit leases to Pentecostal people. These regulations are for obvious protection of those who desire that our Pentecostal values will be maintained and the Camp will continue to function according to the purpose for which it has been established.
Of necessity, there are Camp rules which are in effect and posted in conspicuous places around the Camp facilities. These rules are formulated carefully and are for the purpose of ensuring that the liberties enjoyed by any camper will not be done so at the expense of others. Mutual cooperation and understanding in all of these matters will guarantee happy relationships among campers and the maintenance of Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp as a Spiritual oasis which will continue to provide inspiration and relaxation for the members of our constituency. As our Camp continues to grow and more people are availing themselves of our Camp Meeting facilities, the cooperative observance of all Camp regulations will become even more necessary. There can be no doubt about the fact that Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp is one of the finest in North America, both spiritually and in physical facilities. The Camp Administration aims to serve you in keeping it that way.