Heritage Camp / June 23 - June 28, 2024
Throughout Heritage Camp, LPC is welcoming many ministry guests for all to enjoy. We encourage campers to check back frequently as we continue to provide updates on Heritage Camp, events, and guests.
Morning Services Start at 10:30
Evening Services Start at 6:30
Program Schedule

Rev. Dr. Scott Bullerwell is an ordained PAOC minister, author and speaker. Born in Montreal, Quebec, he is well known as a theological educator, conference and summer camp speaker. A graduate of E.P.B.C., Scott has pastored in Ontario, Quebec, P.E.I. and Manitoba.
Before returning to pastoral life, Scott was Professor of Old Testament and Department Chair at Master’s College and Seminary in Peterborough, Ontario. His teaching experience has allowed him to travel as a visiting professor internationally from Nepal to Cambodia to Africa, and many places in between.
Scott spent a number of years obtaining his BA, MA, MDiv and DMin degrees. He’s been credentialed with the PAOC for 52 years. A certified C.A.P.P.E. Chaplain with both basic and advances units through the Toronto School of Theology, he served at University Health Network, a tertiary of Toronto General, Toronto Western and Princess Margaret Hospital in the heart of Toronto.
After 10 years as Lead Pastor in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Scott and Brenda retired in September, 2015 to Lakeshore to change the pace of their lives and have been working on their ‘bucket list’ which includes travel and overseas missions work. They are snowbirds who reside in Largo, Florida during the winter months.
Married almost 53 years, they have two grown children, 5 grandchildren, one great granddaughter and another great grand-baby arriving October, 2024. Scott enjoys writing, - has a blog (onlysaying.com), preaching, traveling (cruising) and hunting. One of his memorable experiences was as a chapel speaker to the Toronto Blue Jays the two years they won the World Series (’92 and ’93).

John Stewart grew up in a pastor’s home and has spent every summer of his life attending and participating in church camp ministry. Since 1987, John has been credentialed with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, having pastored in Ontario, Manitoba, and Alberta, in various church leadership roles. John currently serves as the Ontario Area Manager for ERDO (Emergency Relief and Development Overseas), a role which he began in April 2023. John is married to Beverlie, and they have two married adults children and four grandchildren.

The heart of a worshipper resides in the soul of Dawson Phillips. Dawson is known both for exuberant, joyful praise and passionate, intimate worship that comes from a desire to share his life with Christ through his expression in song. Dawson has lead worship, over the past 30 plus years with the same enthusiasm whether for a crowd of 10 or a congregation of 10,000. He has served as an Assistant Pastor, Worship Pastor, Music Director, Technical Director, Producer, Songwriter and is currently an Assistant Pastor with Church on The Queensway based in Toronto, Canada
Devoted husband to Paulette and proud Father to Raeana. If not at the piano you will find him cycling a trail somewhere.
Dawson's goal as a worship leader is to always allow a free flow of the Spirit of Christ in song and to facilitate others in creating an atmosphere where He will inhabit the praises of His people. We, together will open our hearts and make a joyful sound unto the Lord. Oh… and have fun doing it:)

Rooted deeply in a rich legacy of Gospel music, Ron & Evelyn Snider, and Terena Grice teamed up in 2012 to form Vocal Legacy, a Southern Gospel trio best known for their strong harmonies and heartfelt lyrics. Their passion and desire is to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Vocal Legacy continues to expand their ministry territory beyond their home base in the Westport area to encompass Southern Ontario and beyond.
Following the highly successful release of their debut album 'TAKE ONE' in 2018, the group returned to the studio in preparation for their 2020 'DOIN' WHAT'S RIGHT' TOUR in support of their newest album of the same name. The new release promises to be their best ever!
With musical influences such as The Martins, Brian Free & Assurance, The Ball Brothers, The Isaacs, Karen Peck and New River, and the McKameys, Vocal Legacy is a group you will want to follow for sure!
Joy, grace, and gratitude - a common theme found in every concert leaves audiences glad that they came!